# Creating your own package We've been given some practical work on ROS, but the instructions were focused on _ROS Electric_ and __rosbuild__, so we spent some time trying to figure out how to use catkin and its workspace mechanism. mkdir -p workspace/src cd ./workspace/src catkin_init_workspace catkin_create_pkg myPackage roscpp ## Add dependencies, separated with spaces here, like: std_msgs rospy ... # Time to do stuff here, like creating a main or whatever... cd ./myPackage vim ./src/main.cpp # Time to add our file to the build list vim CMakeList.txt # Let's say from here, that's we've name our executable myExec cd ../../ catkin_make Now, if you want to be able to use you workspace with rosrun and stuff _without installing it, it's time to source another setup.bash, `source workspace/devel/setup.bash` Time to run =) `rosrun myPackage myExec`