# ARM Development I recently started working with ARM µC, which are more complicated than 8bits µC, but they offer way more options... ## ST Microelectronics * [[.:stm32:stm32f4_discovery|STM32F4 Discovery]] * [[.:stm32:stm32f030_nucleo|STM32F030 Nucleo]] * [[.:stm32:stm32f103c8t6|STM32F103C8T6 Development board]] from eBay... * [[.:stm32:stm32f103c8t6_bmp|STM32F103C8T6 Dev board as BlackMagic Probe]] It's basically the same hardware as the original BMP * [[.:stm32:sparkcore|SparkCore]] STM32 µC with onboard CC3000 Wifi chip (and online/cloud Arduino-like IDE and programming process) ## Freescale * [[.:teensy3|Teensy3]] * [[.:teensy3:swd_debug|SWD Debug with the Teensy3/3.1]] * [[.:kinetis:tinyk20_bom|TinyK20 BOM]] ## AnalogDevices * [[.:aduc7061_devstick|ADuC7061 USB Devstick]] ## Texas Instruments * [[.:stellaris|Stellaris Launchpad]] _(I think it's been renamed since I got my boards...)_