# Electronics * [[.:avr:|Atmel AVR]] * [[.:msp430:|TI MSP430]] * [[.:arm:|ARM]] # Other electronics projects The others projects, sometimes without µC... ## Random stuff * [[.:spherebot|Spherebot]] ## Microchip PIC I started developping on µC with a tiny pic12f683,but haven't done much since. PICs are cools too, but they require more hardware and they weren't that easy to source when I started... * [[.:pic:12f683|12F683]] * [[.:pic:10f206|10F206]] * [[.:pic:hardware|PIC Programmers]] ## Espressif * [[.:esp8266:|ESP8266]] ## Mediatek * [[.:mt7681:MT7681]] ## FPGA * [[.:fpga:|FPGA]] ## µC-less * [[.:10wledbox|10wLEDBox]] * [[.:cheapbpsu|Cheap Bench Power Supply]] ## Notes * [[.:notes:at05_bt_uart|Configure an AT-05 Bluetooth-Serial adapter]] * [[.:notes:wishlist|Wishlist]] * [SMT components](http://www.topline.tv/SMT_Nomenclature.pdf)