# 4Sense

## Overview

It all started a boring evening, I decided I would make a board with 4 touch sensors, and some LEDs (because LEDs are coooool 8-) ). While I was working on it, I though it would be cool to be battery powered instead of needing an external power source. So I added a small battery, and that was pretty much it.

No external communication, no real goal, but it would be a small (32x32mm) demo of what can rapidly be done with touch sensors…

And while coding the whole stuff, it somehow shifted to a Simon-like game ! And it's quite fun =)

There's a dozen difficulty levels. When you pass, the difficulty increase; when you fail, you go back to the beginning. To start playing, light up the 4 LEDs, the orange LED flashes (the difficulty level) and a random sequence is presented to you, then it's your turn, one touch at a time…

## Pictures

## PCB ### Version 1

The touch-sensors didn't work really well on this one, so I quickly went for version 2.

### Version 2

This one works better. It's 1200 DPI, already mirrored (just look at the text) And yeah, round corners feel better in the hand.

## Firmware

The firmware is quite simple. There's no communication, no bootloader, … solder you ICSP to the testpoints, flash the chip, desolder, add a battery and you can start playing.

<note tip>There's a small easter-egg embedded, so if you want a little fun trying to find it, don't peek in the code =)</note>

Last archive is here: 4sense_20140412_1400.tar.gz