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<!DOCTYPE markdown> # NabGCC ## Overview When Mindscape released the files related to the Nabaztag:tag, they released the source code of the firmware running on the Nabaztag:tag. When we tried to use them, we faced some problems: - The projet uses an old version of the proprietary IDE from IAR (v4.x) - It does not compile with the new version (v6.x) - The firmware is too big for the freeware version of IAR (old or new) - The source code is what I would call a big mess. - IAR is not well integrated with OpenOCD or GDB (or at least, it was not that easy to use). - IAR doesn't provide any .elf file to use with GDB, so debugging was nearly impossible. So, I started a port of the code to be used with GCC. It's called NabGCC :) ## Get the sources It's currently hosted on my personnal GIT server: git clone git:// ## New architecture ├── inc # Header files │ ├── hal # Hardware abstraction (Motor, LED, i2c, ...) │ ├── net # Wifi specific (IEEE802.11, hashes, ...) │ ├── usb # USB Host and RT2501usb │ ├── utils # Common tools │ └── vm # Metal Virtual Machine ├── mtl # Metal sources, for the BOOT bytecode ├── openocd # OpenOCD config files │ ├── interface │ │ └── ftdi │ └── target ├── src # Source files │ ├── hal # Hardware abstraction (Motor, LED, i2c, ...) │ ├── net # Wifi specific (IEEE802.11, hashes, ...) │ ├── usb # USB Host and RT2501usb │ ├── utils # Common tools │ └── vm # Metal Virtual Machine ├── sys # System files (CPU and USB Host chip) │ ├── asm # ASM sources for IRQ handlers and CPU initialization │ ├── inc # Header files │ └── src # Source files └── testvm # Test PC software folder, using stubs, to debug the VM ├── src -> ../src └── stubs # Stubs replacing the µC specific parts ├── hal ├── usb └── utils ## Compile Using the makefile in the root folder, you can build the whole firmware project with just: make Delete the objects files, and binaries with make clean The objects files should be in the `obj/` folder, and the binaries in the `bin/` folder. ## Flash Assuming you have OpenOCD running and connected to the target, flash a new firmware with make program ## Debug You can load the firmware in GDB, and then debug your code: arm-none-eabi-gdb ./bin/NabGCC.elf Next commands are to be typed in GDB: tar ext :3333 mon reset init load # And type 'r' to start using this code # Stop with Ctrl + C # and it's like normal debugging ! You can only set two breakpoints, which is quite limited... to delete all the breakpoints, just type 'd' and 'y'. Happy hacking ! ## Links
· Last modified: 2023/11/24 22:23 by
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