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ros:turtlebot:install [2014/01/27 22:18] towa45ros:turtlebot:install [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-# TurtleBot Installation for ROS 
-See this link first: [[|ROS Wiki, Turtlebot]] 
-## OpenNI installation 
-To be able to use the Kinect on the Turtlebot with ROS, you need some OpenNI software, Java-stuff... 
-OpenNI is not in the official repos for Wheezy, we'll have to build it from source... Since it exists in Testing and Sid, things will be a little bit easier... 
-    mkdir libopenni-dev 
-    cd ./libopenni-dev 
-    sudo apt-get build-dep libopenni-dev 
-    sudo apt-get -b source libopenni-dev 
-    sudo dpkg -i ./libopenni-dev_*.deb ./libopenni0_*.deb 
-It's time to continue with the actual installation... 
-## TurtleBot packages 
-Make sure you got the good ROS_env before starting theses steps. Install some dependencies: 
-    apt-get install libftdi-dev pyqt4-dev-tools libvtk5-dev 
-### In your old workspace 
-If you still have the workspace you used when installing ROS from source let's add some packages 
-    cd ros_workspace 
-    rosinstall_generator ecl_streams ecl_geometry ecl_mobile_robot ecl_sigslots ecl_command_line openni_launch depthimage_to_laserscan joy --rosdistro hydro --deps --wet-only > turtlebot_deps.rosinstall 
-    wget 
-    wstool merge turtlebot_deps.rosinstall -t src  
-    wstool merge turtlebot.rosinstall -t src 
-    wstool update -j8 -t src 
-    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y -r --os=debian:wheezy 
-    sudo /opt/ros/hydro/ catkin_make_isolated --install --install-space /opt/ros/hydro/ -q --merge 
-### In a new workspace 
-If you have deleted your previous ROS install workspace, you need a new one.. 
-    mkdir turtlebot 
-    cd turtlebot 
-    rosinstall_generator ecl_streams ecl_geometry ecl_mobile_robot ecl_sigslots ecl_command_line openni_launch depthimage_to_laserscan joy --rosdistro hydro --deps --wet-only > turtlebot_deps.rosinstall 
-    wget 
-    wstool init -j8 src turtlebot_deps.rosinstall  
-    wstool merge turtlebot.rosinstall -t src 
-    wstool update -j8 -t src 
-    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y -r --os=debian:wheezy 
-    sudo /opt/ros/hydro/ catkin_make_isolated --install --install-space /opt/ros/hydro/ -q --force-cmake --merge 
-<note>If `wstool update` returns errors for the packages already installed, you can add the option `--continue-on-error`</note>  
-## End 
-And to prepare setup UDEV: 
-    rosrun kobuki_ftdi create_udev_rules 
- ## Issues 
-I had issues with boost 1.53 and shared_dynamic_cast while compiling kobuki_base and create_base gazebo plugins. Fixt it replacing all shared_dynamic_cast by dynamic_pointer_cast in the .cpp files.