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# Building from source

## Requirements

* Usual compilation toolchain, arm-none-eabi * genromfs * python-empy python-pip * sudo pip install caktin_pkg

If you want to edit a board config, you also need kconfig-frontends (provided by PX4/NuttX, use the setenv tool =) )

## Build

* `make help`

  Useful to know the available targets

* `make BOARDS=yourtarget menuconfig`

  Requires kconfig-mconf, but useful to config NuttX

* `make BOARDS=yourtarget archives`

  Build the NuttX OS archive for _yourtarget_

* `make BOARDS=yourtarget yourtarget_default`

  Build PX4 for _yourtarget_

* `make BOARDS=yourtarget yourtarget_default upload`

  Build PX4 and upload using PX4 Bootloader (USB)

### Combo

  make BOARDS=yourtarget archives yourtarget_default upload

If you make any change in the NuttX/, you need to delete everything and start over…

  rm -R Archives/ Build/
  make BOARDS=yourtarget archives yourtarget_default upload

## Flash

### DFU


### PX4 Bootloader


## Debug

  openocd -f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f target/stm32f4x_stlink.cfg


  tar ext :3333

And debug as usual…

## Links


/home/share/www/ · Last modified: 2023/11/24 21:55 (external edit)