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# STM32F030 Nucleo

## Overview

Last week, I went to the InnoRobo event in Lyon, France. It's a showroom build around… robotics ! But today's robotics would be really poor without microcontrollers, and ST Microelectronic were present on a small booth. An engineer held the booth and we talked a little bit about this (new) board he had on display: the STM32F030 Value line Nucleo evaluation board. He is Italian, and I am French, but we understood each other I think ^^

At the end, we was really nice and gave me one for free ! Awesome =D (especially when you know they're not yet on sale).

I have always been interested in ST products, mostly because of my personnal background but also because they make good products! Unfortunately, supporting GNU/Linux is (was ?) not in their priorities so it can be a bit tricky. I will write down the interesting facts, steps taken, challenges faced (hopefully with the solutions) while trying with little board.

## Board presentation

## Pinout

There are two pinouts on the board: an arduino-compatible one and a more complete (mbed compatible) one called Morpho.

Arduino pinout Morpho pinout

(Pictures rehosted, orginals can be found on the mbed website)

## Resources

## Links

* STM32 MCU Nucleo on ST website

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