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# STM32F103C8T6 Dev. board

## Overview

Board top view I have had this board on a shelf for quite some time, but never used it before. Having nothing better to do this week-end, I gave it a try, and here is what I've found/done.

It's a small development board, with a 20 pins JTAG connector, a MiniUSB connector and all (?) pins broken out on two rows on the side. There's a 8Mhz quartz (with PLL, the chip can run at 72Mhz), a 32.768kHz quartz (for the RTC), and that's pretty much all.

## Bootloader

## USB bootloader

## Demo

## Links

/home/share/www/ · Last modified: 2023/11/24 21:55 (external edit)