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# Nabaztag

I used to have some spare time to work on the Nabaztag (Wikipedia), Nabaztag:Tag (Wikipedia), and even the Karotz (Wikipedia).

Theses pages collect informations gathered, discovered, or written about theses funny little beasts.

It's mostly written in French 'cause it's a bit old, but it can still be useful…

## Nabaztag (v1)

* Introduction sur le V1, le VASM et le format Audio

* Communication Nabaztag <=> Serveur

* Les services lumineux du v1, la Trame 04

* Modification matérielle sur le Nabaztag v1

* Code I've written for the Nabaztag v1

## Nabaztag:tag (v2)

* Breakout du port série du Nabaztag:Tag

* OpenJabNab

* My OJN Github Repository

Pixel and I are currently working on the toolchain and embedded code running on the hardware (the virtual machine) to be able to make deeper changes (and hopefully more improvements) to the firmware. We won't advertise anything (or any release date whatsoever) but we are working on it ^^

## Karotz (v3)

* Resources

/home/share/www/ · Last modified: 2023/11/24 21:55 (external edit)