# ROS on Archlinux
## Groovy
There are some packages for ROS Groovy in the AUR, but: * Some are missing, some are not building anymore * The current release is Hydro now
They are currently maintained by zootboy, and the “basic stuff” can be found on github: https://github.com/zootboy/arch-ros-stacks
Theses packages are good for a basic ROS installation, and can then be completed by catkin. But I wanted to try a little bit more…
## Hydro
### Status There's currently not support for Hydro in Arch, so … Let's build some packages !
I've found this repository: https://github.com/progtologist/ros-hydro-arch but it's the about the tools, not the actual ROS packages so…
### Personal Work I have set-up a small svn repository so one can check-out my progress and build the packages
To checkout: `svn co http://svn.redox.ws/svn/arch-ros-hydro`
Then, read the Readme file and get to work !
### Catkin Edit the PKGBUILD:
* Remove the python2-argparse dependency, it's in python2 core I think * Remove the first CMAKE option ( -DCMAKE\_BUILD\_BINARY….=ON ), so it keeps the ROS scripts like 'env.sh' or 'setup.bash'
### Packages that doesn't build out of the box
ocl rviz openni_camera pano_core pano_py pano_ros turtlebot_panorama map_store turtlebot_core_apps turtlebot_apps kobuki_qtestsuite kobuki_gazebo_plugins kobuki_gazebo kobuki_desktop
* rviz because of OGRE1.9
* openni_camera I wasn't sure about the dependency and, haven't built it yet so…
* pano looks like it doesn't like my opencv (missing link option maybe)
* map_store needs a fix to link with mongodb
* kobuki_qtestsuite yields an ugly `/bin/sh: pyuic4: command not found`
* kobuki_gazebo_plugins yields an ugly `error: ‘shared_dynamic_cast’ is not a member of ‘boost’`
* The other gazebo are related to the previous one