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# SmartPort (SPort) Master

## Overview

With the Taranis, I got a GPS using the “SmartPort” interface from FrSky. It's basically a Serial bus on which you can add many sensors, which are (randomly ?) polled by the master of the bus.

* One wire bus ( ⇒ Half Duplex communication ) * Inverted logic * 57600 bauds

Luckily the Teensy3 can do that. If you don't want to mess with voltage conversion, just use a Teensy3.1.

Most of the information comes from the OpenTX firmware, information on the Internet and direct analysis of the communication bus, so it might not be perfectly accurate.

## Teensy3

I don't have anything permanent, it's all on breadboard for now, so there's no schematic. Just connect the signal pin of the sensor to the pin 1 of the Teensy (TX1, PB17), Gnd to Gnd and… you're done. You can power the GPS using the Vin pin of the Teensy, it makes development easier.

Here's the last code: tsysportmaster_20140916.tar.gz

<note important>This is experimental work. Do this at your own risks.</note>

## Next ?

* Forge UBX/NMEA packets from SPort GPS data * Serial/SPI/I2C output (something standard =) ) * Write a TauLabs module, like the existing one for the Hub Telemetry * Attiny(25/45, or 85 but it might be overkill) port with serial output, with Low power mode so it can be embedded on virtually any other flight controller * Support more sensors

## Links

I found different projects interfacing the Teensy3.1 with a SmartPort receiver (like the X8R):

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