# TinyRCSwitch
## Overview
I added some LEDs on the Pitchou and just wanted to be able to switch them on/off using the radio. I could have bought something, but it would probably have been expensive, would have taken a long time to arrive, wouldn't be customizable, … So I took an Attiny85 (smd version) and made a really small board that takes a servo PWM input, and can toggle three outputs. Cheap, fun, useful, …
## PCB
(print at 600DPI)
Here's a panelized version, with six of them: Panel
## Code
Because I didn't want to bother with ICSP, I flashed a bootloader before soldering the Attiny on the board. I wanted to use the same bootloader used by the SimonK firmware but couldn't find enough documentation to easily port it… Maybe later.
The current firmware toggles between the three outputs, there's no “all off” position“; I didn't need it, and it turns the LEDs on when the radio link is lost or not established (if wired correctly), which can be useful.
Current revision of the firmware is available here: tinyrcswitch_firmware_20141212.tar.gz