# RC
## Overview
## Hardware
### Radio
#### Taranis Because the firmware is open-source, it provides integrated telemetry, 16 channels with internal transmitter and it's quite cheap (compared to other radios…), I bought a Taranis x9d
More to come… later
#### TX/RX
* OpenLRS compatible
* PipXtreme compatible
#### RX
* FrSky compatible
### *copter
#### Quad
* PitchouQuad * PitiQuad
#### Flight Controller
* Sparky1.1 Alternate BoM * Sparky2 Alternate BoM
#### ESC
* Flashing SkyRC Swift 10A with BLHeli firmware * Flashing RCX 6A with SimonK firmware
##### IMUs
* MPU9250 Internal acc/gyro/mag fused into quaternion with externally loaded firmware * EM7180 Sensorhub, fuse data from acc/gryo/mag into quaternions with externally loaded firmware * BNO-055 BMX-055 (acc/gyr/mag) with Cortex M0 to fuse data into quaternions, without external firmware * MAX21100 Fuse internal acc/gyro with external mag into quaternions, without external firmware
## Software
### Radio
### *copter
* TauLabs * PX4 PixHawk firmware
### PC
* TauLabs
## Hacks - Mods - Dev
* FrSky SmartPort Master * Futaba SBus Receiver * TinyRCSwitch * Using a HorizonHobby Faze TX to output PPM
## Notes
* Wishlist